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From: Paul.McDonell-at-pwc.ca
Subject: Hi [TANKS]
Date: Wed, 11 May 2005 19:52:19 -0300
Reply-To: tanks-at-rctankcombat.com

                      Paul McDonell                                                  
                      05/11/2005 01:46         cc:                                   
                      AM                       Subject: subscribe submit-only        

Hi guys. My name is Paul McDonell, I am from Sackville Nova Scotia Canada.
I have been watching this little hobby grow since you first started with 2
Now I have finaly decided to jump into sandbox and make some new friends.
Here is a little about me, my interests include Corvairs and Unimogs (of
I own both), road racing (now just run the tow truck at our local track). I
have been playing paintball off and on for the last 15 years (37 years
old), currently have 4
guns which include 2 spyders (shutter + E99), proam and an
autococker(future pak 40). I work in areospace for Pratt&Whitney Canada.

So far my tank parts are as follows

                model                       FOA tiger
                drive                          2x24 wheel chair motor
                motor control          wheel chair controller
                track                          FOA
                gun                            spyder E99 on CO2(warp
feed/Q loader??)
                turret rotation          12 3/4 turn table (lee valley),
chain/belt/ring gear/friction???
                radio                          6 ch  hietic
                call sign                    vair

Could you please forward my name to TNB

 PS  if you play Day Of Defeat on the net, look me up on the 95 rifles clan
sever(I am not a clan member but thier sever is fun and fair)

Tks Paul(vair) from Nova Scotia Canada