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From: "Marc en Wendy" <marcmethorst-at-zonnet.nl>
Subject: Re: Transmitter question [TANKS]
Date: Mon, 2 May 2005 23:48:17 +0200
Reply-To: tanks-at-rctankcombat.com

Joe wrote:

> What radio TX and RX are you using?
> Does the Anvilus controller reduce servo travel
> or speed on channels 5-6 when it is ON compared
> to when it is not connected?

I'm using a Sanwa Airtronics VG6000 transmitter and Sanwa RX611 receiver.
The servo travel and speed are the same in both situations.

It's just: channel #5 and #6 don't respond when the controller is switched 
off. The servo trims a bit when you plug it into the receiver but I think 
that only means that the power connection is OK, so that also indicates that 
the signal feed is disturbed.
