R/C Tank Combat

Tank #T030


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Click Photo For Enlargement (95 Kb)
After a hard day tankin'

Scouting the bridge

Click Photo For Enlargement (356 Kb)

This is looking at the bridge from the underpass. As you can see the Tiger would be hard to hit there.

May 2005: The turret is made out of 1/8 & 1/4 acrylic and all the details are made out of 1/4 plywood.

Click Photo For Enlargement (83 Kb)

Video Clips:

Field Test #1 (Jan 2005, 1.5MB, MP4)
The Tiger moves under it's own power for the first time, successfully navigating around the testing grounds.

Field Test #2 (Jan 2005, 1.9MB, MP4)
The Tiger has no problem performing full skid turns as demonstrated in this clip.

Climbing Bricks (Jan 2005, 963KB, MP4)
Finally some proper footage. T030 loves climbing over things although the drive wheels are still slipping a little bit. Once that problem is resolved more climbing!

Off Road (Jan 2005, 1.0MB, MP4)
This is a good example of how powerful large scale tanks can be! T030 likes off roading (much to my surprise). Who needs a gardener?

Gun Footage (Feb 2005, 325KB, WMV)
The first test firing of the Tiger's homemade cannon is a success. The ammo being used are berries, which are basically the same size as paintballs.

Turret Rotating (Feb 2005, 1.4MB, MP4)
All systems are operational as the Tiger demonstrates a fully functional drive, turret and gun systems.

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