Video Clips:
- Field Test #1 (Jan 2005, 1.5MB, MP4)
The Tiger moves under it's own power for the first time, successfully
navigating around the testing grounds.
- Field Test #2 (Jan 2005, 1.9MB, MP4)
The Tiger has no problem performing full skid turns as
demonstrated in this clip.
- Climbing Bricks (Jan 2005, 963KB, MP4)
Finally some proper footage.
T030 loves climbing over things although the drive wheels are
still slipping a little bit. Once that problem is resolved more climbing!
- Off Road (Jan 2005, 1.0MB, MP4)
This is a good example of how powerful large scale tanks can be!
T030 likes off roading (much to my surprise). Who needs a gardener?
- Gun Footage (Feb 2005, 325KB, WMV)
The first test firing of the Tiger's homemade cannon is a success. The
ammo being used are berries, which are basically the same size as paintballs.
- Turret Rotating (Feb 2005, 1.4MB, MP4)
All systems are operational as the Tiger demonstrates a fully functional
drive, turret and gun systems.