Tri-Pact News Service

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R/C Tank Combat

A No Hope

Battle #3 Summary

by Neil Rochford

The Return Of The Tracks

Inside the funky camp the mood was high, now over the sunny battlefield the view of Princess Andrews in a transporter ship came into view. Unloading the vessel FTF troops found the much needed (and currently clean) tracks for T078 and the radio control for T051. This now meant that an additional two tanks could be used in the next battle. The FTF leader offered T051 to Mr Arundel (the lucky wookie look alike) who almost snapped his hand off. The Funky leader later had a new hand sewn on by a bored robot back at home base. The stage was set as two Marder "N" class tank destroyers were readied by the FTF technical department.

Inside the rebel base the commanders took to their tanks. Mr Wookie Arundel in charge of the most successful and formidable UK tank built to date known as T051. FTF technicians were sent to tamper with the controls of this great and admirable piece of machinery, rendering T051 to perform only in slow mode and with unpredictable forward jerks. This hampered the rebels plight considerably and brought excellent entertainment to all those who witnessed the event. Phil "Solo" Palmer (maybe he's solo for a reason) took charge of T057. The very lovely Princess "Leia" Andrews warmed to the charms of T068 (maybe shes called Leia for a reason).

During the battle T078 performed very well for its first event. The only issue is the fact that with an 85kg controller (Nerocs lardy arse) the tank is very under-powered and unless future UK battles are fought on either a concrete car park or maybe an ice rink then T078 will need larger motors. As with most UK events Funky Neroc dominates the battle field and laughs at the thought of that position ever changing. It is considered very unlikely that anybody will bring a better or more formidable tank to a UK battle. On the day the FTF killed everything out there and then smugly trotted round the field for photos at the end of the battle. Thankfully large numbers of forest dwelling, cute, small, bear-type animals didn't turn up to ruin the event.

Offical Scores for A No Hope Battle #3
Team Asset Operator Hits
FTF T068 Claire Andrew 2 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0.000
  T078 Neil Rochford 4 18 0 0 0 0 1,000 4,500 0.818
TOTAL 6 18 0 0 0 0 1,500 4,500 0.750
Rebels T051 Pete Arundel 6 4 0 0 0 0 1,500 1,000 0.400
  T057 Phil Palmer 12 2 0 0 0 0 3,000 500 0.143
TOTAL 18 6 0 0 0 0 4,500 1,500 0.250

Asset Type Net Points
T078 Marder III Ausf N 3,500
T068 Marder III Ausf N -500
T051 Leopard -500
T057 JgPz 38(t) Hetzer -2,500
Operator Net Points
Neil Rochford 3,500
Claire Andrew -500
Pete Arundel -500
Phil Palmer -2,500