Tri-Pact News Service
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R/C Tank CombatBad DebtHostage Rescue |
During the lunch break, it was clear to all veterans in attendance that
The "Smith" Clan was essentially a band of pirates who didn't hold allegiance
to any ideological or commercial cause. While veterans were feeding themselves
with lavish meals, the unspeakable happened .... the younger, more zealous
elements of The Smith Clan took numerous hostages and imprisoned them in their compound.
They demanded a ransom from all veterans, refusing even cookies and candy as payment.
The patriarch of the clan, Brian "Smith", pleaded with them to listen to reason, but
the die had been cast and the civilized world made plans to rescue the hostages
and destroy the Clan.
Unfortunately, government forces were too busy dealing with the fallout from the ex-President's foreign policy around the globe, so the rescue mission would be contracted out to the lowest bidder. Fortunately, Tri-Pact, Anvilus and TyngTech had resources in the area and could participate in the bidding process. Naturally, instead of bidding against each other, they formed an alliance and became the sole bidder for what became a very lucrative government contract. Alliance members would receive 500 points for every hostage rescued, with the government experts estimating a total of 10 hostage rescues over the course of an hour based on the intelligence information received. Having failed to reason with his own clan, Brian "Smith" would participate along the contractors during the rescue operation. Without the deep pockets of their patriach, the "Smith" boys could only scratch together enough money to pay for two soldiers per artillery piece. They would definitely have their hands full with the full might of the Alliance coming at them. To encourage efficient rescue operations, the Alliance sent out an internal memo indicating that all Alliance members would receive full points for any hostage that they rescued and any artillery soldiers that they neutralized. Management knew that this might cause Alliance members to turn on each other in order to rescue hostages, but they figured that it would maximize profits, especially since all Alliance health-care was recently transitioned to government subsidized ObamaCare policies. In short, there was no downside to unleashing all Alliance members on each other. The rescue operation began with Alliance members neutralizing as many soldiers as possible. The Semovente, Hetzer and SU-100 were focused on artillery suppression early in the mission and continued to hinder their operation throughout the mission. Other tanks, including John's Pz II and Steve's Cromwell focused on the rescue missions themselves, taking every opportunity to dash, grab a hostage and dash out before the artillery, or other Alliance members, could destroy them. Over time, it became clear to all Alliance members, that the Clan was sufficiently in dis-array, that grabbing hostages became the easiest path to fortune. Of course, with all Alliance members grabbing hostages as fast as they could, treachery and destruction both approached a fever pitch. During one interesting episode outside of the "boundary" (assets could only shoot or be shot at "inside" the boundary), Frank and Will were discussing how to conduct a "snatch and dash" operation past the Bofors gun manned by Joshua "Smith". While discussing their plan, Frank noticed that Steve had quietly placed the Cromwell behind the next row of trees, watching to see what Frank and Will were planning. Frank informed Will of the treachery and they split apart in hopes of getting the Cromwell caught in a cross-fire when it made its move. For a good couple of minutes, Steve stood quietly waiting for Will and Frank to charge into the rescue zone, while Frank and Will waited for Steve to make any move. Finally, Frank quietly walked around some trees (leaving the Semovente so that Steve couldn't track the rumbling) and confirmed Steve's location. After a few moments, Steve must have sensed he was being watched and he looked around to see Frank watching him. Both had a good laugh and off they went to plot treachery against others. The "every man for himself" plan developed by Alliance Management worked quite well. Instead of just 10 rescues, the Alliance conducted a total of 36 rescues, invoicing the government for a staggering sum of 18,000 points, not to mention the sheer terror rained down on the "Smith" boys. |
Offical Scores for Bad Debt Battle #3